Wouldn't it be nice if every PT tool spat out their results in the exact same format? I'd be happy if Nessus, nmap, MetaSploit, and Nikto all use the exact same format for output. Whether this means they only use CSV's and keep the same order for the "header" rows or using the same elements and tree for XML output. However, reality is slight skewed...I mean different. :-) Recently I worked on a PT mission and it was my responsibility to compile the Nessus results and then to parse them for certain items. This was the easy part. The fun part came when I needed an easy way to convert the CVE numbers in the CSV output to that of what the Army uses: IAVMs/IAVAs. Easy right?
I thought so, figuring it to be just a "simple" find & replace operation. But, and this is where reality came in to perspective, it did take a little work in getting some powershell scripts to work, stripping out what I wanted into multiple output files (still CSV's, intentionally) and then convert the CVE numbers in ALL of those output files.
You may be asking "Dave, why didn't you just convert the CVEs first then strip out the results you wanted?" Good question. The answer is, to me, very simple: I would rather my find and replace operation only have to do absolutely what it must in terms of processing lines/words of a file as opposed to processing the entirety of ALL of my output files. In this case I had five seperate output files, totaling only 105MB. This isn't a big amount when one considers the computing power available today. The parsed output files numbers six and weighed in at a glaringly heavy 18.8MB...might call this a feather-weight contender.
Since the find and replace operation runs line by line, at least the way I wrote it, this 18.8MB is a much better number to run through. I should also mention that this particular pentest was very small in scope and size, consisting of five Class 'C' blocks, with a grand total of less than 500 live hosts between them. That said, I think any PT'er with even only a few PT's under the belt could recognize the small size of the original Nessus output files (105MB).
Below is what I wrote to work for my needs on this particular mission. I am in the process of turning this into a module that is dynamic, allowing the user to select the same, or some combination, of what I hard-coded, as well as the proper directories for the original Nessus output CSV's and the final output of the script.
# Ingredients:
# 1) Directory of Nessus output files
# - In CSV format
# 2) User has ability to read and write to appropriate directories
# 3) User is able to read/modify the original and output files
# 4) IF you want to convert CVE's to IAVA/IAVM numbers, the mapping can be found at:
# -
# - This file has a lot of other information in it. I found it easier to strip out just the CVE and IAVA columns and store into a new CSV file labled:
# - ReplacementList.csv
# 5) I also found a great script to start with...had to modify it for me, but the link is:
# -
# Comments: The big problem here is that the list from DISA doesn't seem to have all of the CVE numbers so there is still a little manual work that has to be done
#In order to strip out just the CVE and IAVA numbers from the xls spreadsheet, we need to convert it from an XLS document to a CSV document:
$Excelfilename = "C:\users\UserOne\Desktop\iavm-to-cve(u).xls"
$CSVfilename = "C:\users\UserOne\Desktop\TempListing.csv"
$OutCSVfilename = "C:\users\UserOne\Desktop\ReplacementList.csv"
#create an Excel object
$TempExcel = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application
#we don't need to actually open Excel
$TempExcel.Visible = $False
#we don't need macro or other alerts
#Open the downloaded XLS file with the Excel
$TempWorkbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($ExcelFileName)
#Now save the opened file with the new filename and as an CSV file
$TempWorkbook.SaveAs($CSVfilename, $xlCSV)
#Close the Excel object
#Just in case, Really close the Excel object :-)
if(ps excel){kill -name excel}
#we don't need to keep the converted CSV file.
del $CSVfilename
#we will be reading this CSV file into a hash table but first, let's parse out the info we really want
#Where the Nessus CSV files are located
$CSVSourceDir = "C:\Users\dwerd_000\Desktop\nessus"
#Get ONLY the CSV files you want. In this example, the files have names like scan1.csv, scan2.csv, so the -like "sc*.csv" will select only our scan output files
$DataFiles = Get-ChildItem $CSVSourceDir -force | Where { $_.Name -like "sc*.csv" } | Foreach-Object -process { $_.FullName }
#If you want to know how many files were stored in the DataFiles object
[int] $DataFilesCount = $DataFiles.Count
#Again, this is just for verifying the number of CSV files
Write-Output "Discovered $DataFilesCount CSV Data files in $CSVSourceDir "
#Now that we have the needed files in the DataFiles object, it's time to strip out the data that we want.
#First, declare some vars for the output files. Here you can see the items I was most interested in.
#One small note of caution: create the directory structure that you want to use.
$outFileHighs = "C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\NessusResults_ALL_Highs.csv"
$outFileAdobeReader = "C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\NessusResults_ALL_Adobe_Reader.csv"
$outfileShockwave = "C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\NessusResults_ALL_Adobe_Shockwave.csv"
$outFileFlash = "C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\NessusResults_ALL_Adobe_Flash.csv"
$outFileRCE = "C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\NessusResults_ALL_Remote_Code_Execution.csv"
$outFileOracleJava = "C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\NessusResults_ALL_Oracle_Java.csv"
#Now let's parse through the DataFiles. The ForEach loop will load each file, search for each wanted item,
ForEach ($DataFile in $DataFiles)
#Again, some verbosity here for info/debugging purposes
$FileInfo = Get-Item $DataFile
$LogDate = $FileInfo.LastWriteTime
Write-Output "Reading data from $DataFile ($LogDate ) "
#Let the Parsing begin. Each parsing line appends the selected data line to the specified CSV file. The NoTypeInformation switch is personal preference...but I'd recommend using it.
#Find all vulns for Adobe Reader that have an actual Risk value and the Risk value isn't "None"
[array]$CSVData += Import-CSV $DataFile | where {$_.Description -Match "Adobe","Reader" -and $_.Risk -ne "None" } | select "Plugin ID", CVE, Risk, Host, Protocol, Port, Name, Description | Export-Csv $outFileAdobeReader -NoTypeInformation -Append
#Find all high vulns
[array]$CSVData2 += Import-Csv $DataFile | where {$_.risk -eq "high"} | select "Plugin ID", CVE, Risk, Host, Protocol, Port, Name, Description | Export-Csv $outFileHighs -NoTypeInformation -Append
#Find all vulns for Shockware that have an actual Risk value and the Risk value isn't "None"
[array]$CSVData3 += Import-Csv $DataFile | where {$_.Description -Match "Shockwave" -and $_.Risk -ne "None" } | select "Plugin ID", CVE, Risk, Host, Protocol, Port, Name, Description | Export-Csv $outfileShockwave -NoTypeInformation -Append
#Find all vulns for Flash that have an actual Risk value and the Risk value isn't "None"
[array]$CSVData4 += Import-Csv $DataFile | where {$_.Description -Match "Flash" -and $_.Risk -ne "None" } | select "Plugin ID", CVE, Risk, Host, Protocol, Port, Name, Description | Export-Csv $outFileFlash -NoTypeInformation -Append
#Find all vulns for "Remote Code Execution" that have an actual Risk value and the Risk value isn't "None"
[array]$CSVData5 += Import-Csv $DataFile | where {$_.Description -Match "Remote Code Execution" -and $_.Risk -ne "None"} | select "Plugin ID", CVE, Risk, Host, Protocol, Port, Name, Description | Export-Csv $outFileRCE -NoTypeInformation -Append
#Find all vulns for Java that have an actual Risk value and the Risk value isn't "None"
[array]$CSVData6 += Import-Csv $DataFile | where {$_.Description -Match "Java" -and $_.Name -Match "Java" -and $_.Name -notmatch "JavaScript" -and $_.Risk -ne "None" } | select "Plugin ID", CVE, Risk, Host, Name, Description | Export-Csv $outFileOracleJava -NoTypeInformation -Append
#If you want to track how many lines are added to each file you can do something like this
#[int] $CSVDataCount6 += $CSVData6.Count
#Write-Output "Imported $CSVDataCount6 records"
#OK, so now that we have all of our files with the output we want, it's time to create the Hash table
#I manually removed the header row of the ReplacementList.csv file. You can do the same or modify the code that creates the file above
$HashTable = @(get-content C:\Users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\ReplacementList.csv ) -replace ",","=" | convertfrom-stringdata
#The location of the parsed nessus values. By using a standard naming convention, I can again use a wildcard mask to load only the files I want
$ParsedFiles = "C:\users\UserOne\Desktop\nessus\Parsed\Nessus*.csv"
#Let's get the nessus csv files and run them through a ForEach loop.
#We load each file, using the FullName value (path and filename) into a var and then use
#an HashTable enumerator to make the changes.
gci $ParsedFiles |
ForEach-Object {
$Content = gc -Path $_.FullName;
foreach ($h in $HashTable.GetEnumerator()) {
$old = $($h.Keys)
$new = $($h.Values)
$Content = $Content -Replace "$old", "$new"
Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Value $Content