Sunday, July 3, 2016

Powersell to organize FireFox bookmarks

FireFox bookmarks are stored in the user's profile directory, in a sqlite database name "places.sqlite". As I keep working more on different things to do with PowerShell, I was at first annoyed that the scripts I had already written for simple file maintenance and organization couldn't be used as is with organizing the enormous amounts of bookmarks that I have. I searched around the interwebs and found a few decent examples but still wanted to roll my own.

Below is the current script as is. I only tested this on my version of FF, 47.0. However, this is a rather simplistic script and, following a best practice to backup data first, making a copy of the places.sqlite file will allow one to "roll back" to the original state.

One last note: I started this intending to make use of "System.Data.Sqlite" library. This was not hard to implement but was lengthier than I wanted. I then went to PSSqlite and found it to be a little easier to use.

#** File: Organize-FireFoxBM.ps1
#** Author: Dave Werden
#** General Notes:
#** - add 'COLLATE nocase' to end of search queries for
#**   case-insensitive searches. Similar to 'LIKE'
#** - FK <= 8 is standard FF Folders
#** - Position == 0 is root level

#Need to check for pssqlite module before executing script
if(!(Get-Module pssqlite)) {
    Import-Module pssqlite

#** Bookmarks are stored in a profile folder in a
#** sqlite file: places.sqlite

#firefox profile folder
$profFFBasePath = "$($env:APPDATA)\Mozilla\Firefox\"
$profINIFile = "$($profFFBasePath)\profiles.ini"
$profFFProfPath = "$($profFFBasePath)\Profiles\"

#get firefox default profile name (folder name)
$profName = gc $profINIFile | select-string "Path" | split-string -separator "/" | select-string "default"

#set var for full path to default profile folder where the bookmarks are located and go there
$profBookMarksPath = $($profFFProfPath + "\" +  $profName)
cd $profBookMarksPath

#** Need a sqlite provider
#** sqlite provider DL'd from
#** unzipped to system PS modules folder...had to unblock DLLs

$database = ".\places.sqlite"

## query strings - Data pulls only

#This query will return the ID,  URL, GUID, Title, and Parent Folder of all bookmars
$sqlQueryBMs = "SELECT, moz_places.URL, moz_places.GUID, moz_bookmarks.title,, moz_bookmarks.parent
                FROM moz_places, moz_bookmarks
                WHERE ="

## query strings - Data inserts only
## Trigger needed to be inplace before inserting folders

#I hand-jammed this in for my own organization plan...
#could do this with an array and a loop/LINQ
#could also..maybe will...add subfolders using this method
$sqlInserts = 'insert into moz_bookmarks (type, parent, title,dateAdded) VALUES (2,2,"BMs_Temp",CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),

#Entries into moz_bookmarks need a GUID
#This will add a GUID to any newly created folder
#need to fix trigger to create more firefox-centric guids!
$sqlCreateTrigger = "CREATE TRIGGER AutoGenerateGUID
                    AFTER INSERT ON moz_bookmarks
                    FOR EACH ROW
                    WHEN (NEW.guid IS NULL)
                       UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET guid = (select hex( randomblob(4)) || hex( randomblob(2)) ||
                                  substr( hex( randomblob(2)), 2) )  WHERE rowid = NEW.rowid;

## query strings - Data mods only

#   1. What taxonomy do I use to sort bookmarks
#   2a. Pull all Bookmarks from original folders and move to target folders
#       i. Based upon keyword search of URL (and/or Title?) 
#       ii. DO NOT pull from target folders
#   2b. Pull all Bookmarks from original folders and move to a single temp Folder
#       i. Would probably make it easier to:
#            1) Find Dups
#            2) Clean up/Identify 'straglers' after all move operations completed
#Choice: 2b
#   3. Automated Cleanup of empty folders

#first, modify bookmarks to have parent id of our temp folder
$sqlMoveAllToTemp = 'UPDATE moz_bookmarks set parent = (Select id from moz_bookmarks where title = "BMs_Temp") 
                     where fk > 4
                     AND parent < (Select id from moz_bookmarks where title = "BMs_Temp")'

#Taxonomy...arrays of keywords :-)
$keywordsFamily = @("werden","ancestry","family","DNA","genealogy","worden")
$keywordsJob = @("compsec","embed","FCA","NGC","jobsearch","usajobs")
$keywordsMoney = @("bank","finance","money","account","loan","finance","credit","checking","savings")
$keywordsRadio = @("RF","frequency","shortwave","QR","CW","Morse","HF","UHF","VHF")
$keywordsSearches = @("google")
$keywordsCoding = @("python","perl","linux","database","php","coding","code","scripting","visual studio","netbeans","java")
$keywordsHobbies = @("jeep","wrangler","fish","guitar","Audible","audio book")

foreach ($word in $keywordsHobbies)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Hobbies`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

foreach ($word in $keywordsSearches)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Searches`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

foreach ($word in $keywordsMoney)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Money`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

foreach ($word in $keywordsJob)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Job`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

foreach ($word in $keywordsCoding)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Coding`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

foreach ($word in $keywordsRadio)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Radio`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

foreach ($word in $keywordsFamily)
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks
                    SET parent = (SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE title = `"My_Family`") WHERE moz_bookmarks.title like `"%$($word)%`" COLLATE nocase;"
    Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlUpdate -SqlParameters @{ word = $word }

## Uncomment below to Execute other Queries from above

#Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlInserts

#Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlCreateTrigger

#Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlMoveAllToTemp

## Clean up

#drop the trigger...get original db back to original triggerless state
$sqlDeleteTrigger = "DROP TRIGGER AutoGenerateGUID"

Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $database -QueryTimeout 10 -Query $sqlDeleteTrigger

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